Hits - A request for any object or file that is on a web site. This could
be an html page, a file or a graphic on a page. A request for a page can generate
a lot of hits depending on how many sub-elements of files the page consists of.
This is an indicator of web site traffic but not an indicator of how pages were
looked at. Also see Page and User.
Page Views - Hits to files defined as pages. This can be changed by the user.
Graphics files like .PNG, .JPG, and GIF are excluded. Style sheet files,.CSS and
document files are also excluded
Visits - Number of visits (sometimes called client sessions) by visitors
in the period. During a visit a user requests one or more files from the web server.
If there is no file requests from a visitor in 30 minutes (or the time set by the
administrator of the SurfStats product) then new file requests from the visitor
are seen as a new session. If add images to database is selected on the profile
a user requesting a single file of any type is also counted as a visit.
Bandwidth - The measure of the traffic (in kilobytes , megabytes or gigabytes
of data) transmitted from the web site. If it is selected not to include images
in the database on a site profile then reported bandwidth usage will be lower than
actual usage. The usage data reflects the size of HTTP data sent from the web server
to the client. The bandwidth used for sending HTTP data from the client to the web
server is not reflected, neither is any FTP bandwidth.